I know I know - you could spend hours with Laura Bush (the first lady of our last president George Bush) and still have more to learn from her when you walked away. Mrs. Bush is a gracious yet humble woman who carries herself with dignity and grace. However I must admit - I really had no interest in meeting her. I am just not into celebrities and meeting famous people. Which is quite humorous because that is what my job is all about! Anyhow I thought it would be interesting to hear her speech and Q&A but really didn't even think twice about having a chance to meet her.
Therefore I was caught off guard when my boss was asked to go talk to Mrs. Bush and she asked me to come with her. My introduction was brief and then from there I just listened to my boss and Mrs. Bush talk. However this is what I learned in that brief encounter that I will carry with me forever. My boss, Karen, asked Mrs. Bush if she ever thought her life would be so public and Mrs. Bush answered no that she thought we would have had a very VERY private life and that she would have been very VERY happy with that. However that is not what God had planned for her and here she was.
In that instant, I tuned the rest of the conversation out and thought about all the "plans" I have had and still have for my life. I also thought of all the things I am currently experiencing that I'd rather not be doing. At that moment I understood that my "plans" had nothing to do with my life. That God was going to lead me somewhere and most likely it was going to take me out of my comfort zone. Yesterday I would have fought it but today my prayer was that I accept where God is leading me - that I embrace the things I am most uncomfortable doing because most likely that is where I was going to find the most satisfaction and most blessings.
Even last night - I received a blessing that I did not pursue or even think I wanted. I learned that a shy librarian had been lead in the total opposite of where she expected to go and in that process she has done GREAT things for women everywhere in this world. Had I avoided that encounter (like I was trying so hard to do) I would have completely missed that message - one that I feel God was leading me to hear.
So today I am thankful for the unexpected and unwanted moment and I am looking forward to the next one!
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